Friday, August 28, 2009

Kite Flying Miracle

This is probably the most incredible miracle I have encountered, personally. God took something insignificant... a plastic $2 kite, and did something absolutely amazing... It was a Wednesday evening at our Canyon Lake, Texas home, and there was a rainstorm coming our way. The conditions were windy outside and my husband and I decided it was a perfect time to fly a kite with the kids.

We had a glorious time, it was great! We managed to get the kite so caught up in the wind current that the kids only had to stand there to fly it. No running necessary! Noah, my 2-year-old, was holding onto the kite when he accidentally let it go, and the kite flew up, up, up, and away. We chased it to the front yard, and then watched it from the balcony of our house until it was so far away it became just a speck in the sky.

It seemed like it was miles away when I got the brilliant idea to take a picture of it and scrapbook our kite-flying together. It was just a sweet, sweet moment with my family. As I was on the balcony, I thought, "God, It would be so cool if you would bring it back..." which would be virtually impossible.

This was at 7:45 pm. After that, I put the boys to bed and Jake and I watched a movie.

A couple hours later, towards the end of the movie, Noah was crying for his pacifier - which is odd in itself, because normally when I put him down to sleep, he would RARELY wake up until morning... So, to comfort this sweet, crying boy, we looked and looked for a pacifier. Under the couch, in couch cushions, under beds... We couldn't find a pacifier anywhere. I got an idea to look in my van, which was parked in our driveway outside the house, to see if one was in there. When I went outside, I HEARD THE KITE FLYING ABOVE OUR HOUSE! I ran inside to get my husband, and we searched the night sky for it. The neighbors were outside too, finishing a back yard project.

It was so loud - a cheap plastic $2 dinosaur cartoon kite flying in the wind. It was unmistakable. I went to the backyard with a flashlight and determined that the kite was hovering over our house at about 20-25 feet, just flapping in the wind. The kite hovered for a good 30 minutes or more. I went to sleep just thinking how cool God is to show us a sign that would bring us such awe and joy. He heard my thoughts! And it wasn't even a formal prayer, just a seemingly random, but specific, thought towards God.

We didn't find it in the yard the following morning, but it's still a confirmed miracle with several witnesses, as the neighbor's son confirmed seeing the kite caught on our roof. (I don't see HOW it was caught on our roof, but hey, it was there!) I think it's funny that I was prompted to take a picture of it while it was flying away... now we have documented proof of how far away it was!

I believe in my heart that God was telling me that night, "I know your thoughts, and I care about the little things. I will SHOW you that I love you - even if it's using something as insignificant as a $2 kite." Our God is so cool. I feel as though I were hugged by Him. Such an awesome, awesome moment.