Monday, September 21, 2009

Blessed Through Obedience

This might seem strange to some, but God does indeed speak to his people through visions and dreams. One Saturday morning, I had a dream about a terrible car accident. People were laying all over the road, and one person in particular had a bad arm injury. I walked over to this person, laid my hands over their arm, and proclaimed healing in the name of Jesus, and witnessed immediate recovery. I woke from this dream, recalling the details vividly, but didn't think much of its significance.

The next day at church, I was invited to pray with the praise team before they led worship. We were standing in a circle, holding hands, and the man to my right mentioned that his employee and her family were in a terrible car accident, and they were badly injured. Immediately, I remembered my dream, but did not say anything at that moment.

The next day at work, I felt the incredible urgency to share the message of this dream with someone who would listen and not think I was crazy! I called one of the lay leaders and told him of my dream and the message that there would be healing. I asked him to find out if someone's arm was injured in that accident, because if there was, there would be healing. He made the call...

He passed the message of this dream to the man who had the prayer request, who in turn called his employee that was in the accident. She mentioned that her mom had a bad arm injury and could not lift her arm at all. He delivered the message that there would be healing in the name of Jesus. THE MINUTE THE WOMAN'S MOTHER WITH THE INJURED ARM PICKED UP HER PHONE TO RECEIVE THE MESSAGE OF THIS DREAM, HER ARM WAS IMMEDIATELY HEALED!

God's healing is for everyone. He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. Don't be afraid to deliver the message!