Thursday, August 7, 2008

Amazing Testimony - A Dent Fixed, and New Paint Job by the Hand of God!!!

Autumn, it happened about 15 yrs. ago right after I had purchased a new red car. I drove up to the cleaners and wheeled in, but could tell I was just a tad over the white line on my right side. A thought came that I should straighten the car, but I didn't as there were several places on either side of me that someone could park in, and I was in a hurry. When I returned, a large pickup truck had purposely parked close to the right side of my car and slammed his huge door into mine, which dented the door and took a hunk of red paint off.

I was sick inside. Why hadn't I listened to what I deemed now was the Lord trying to help me out, as He knew what was about to happen. At that time, but not now as he has mellowed, my sweet husband would have made a federal case out of it, and I would have never heard the end of it. I went home, fell down on my face in my closet and cried out to God to forgive me for ignoring His voice and begged Him to please fix my car so I wouldn't have to go through the ordeal with my husband. After much weeping and prayer, I felt lead to go put my hands on the place and ask God to release His mighty power to smooth out the dent and repaint the door. I spoke to the metal molecules and commanded them in the name of Jesus to smooth out and did the same concerning the paint. I told God that I knew there was nothing He couldn't do and that I was believing Him for this great miracle. I did this for the next couple of days every time I would go into the garage.

On the third day, I went out to check, and it was fixed!!!!!!!!!!!! No dent and no scrape!!!!!!!!!! I got out my flashlight and checked.....No evidence of anything ever happening. I was ecstatic as you can well imagine, and I have told this story ever since to the great glory of God.

Since then I have nicked by car and prayed that He would do the same, but He hasn't. But now, my husband doesn't make a big deal of it like he did then. I know it was just His loving mercy and grace because of my repentant heart for having not listened to His voice, that He just wanted to bless me and not have me go through the ordeal with my husband.

Another testimony is that on three different occasions, my first granddaughter fell and hit her front teeth when she was around 2 to 2-1/2 years old , and they started to turn dark. My daughter, Suzanne, and I prayed and and believed God to heal the roots and each time He did. She is 22 years old now, has never had any problem with those teeth which are perfectly beautiful. I've seen many miracles during my life. There is nothing our Heavenly Father cannot do.

One time when our youngest daughter, Heather, was in college, she called crying that her dog, Chaser, her cocker spaniel was going to have to have spinal surgery--according to the vet. So I told her to lay her hands on his back and we would believe God to heal him------and He did. She took him back to the vet and his spine was just fine. He lived to be nearly 18 years old and never had a back problem again as he continued to jump on and off of everything like a puppy. The many miracles of God I've witnessed could fill a book. Tell you some more another time. Lovingly, Sue