Sunday, July 20, 2008

For The Married Folks

I've seen two marriages saved in the last couple of months... saved by the Blood of the Lamb. Do you realize that Jesus gave us the power he has? Read John 14:12... it says...

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS? We have the power... IF WE BELIEVE ON JESUS... to do the works of Jesus, and greater works at that. We can save marriages. We can heal. We can cast out demons. All in the name of Jesus.

I think it's a great, great tragedy when two married believers are torn apart. Marriages can be prayed back together every day. Our God is a God of reconciliation. Nothing is impossible.

On that note... I want all of you to become aware that the WORST advise you can EVER give someone is, "Do what makes you happy." Absolutely not. The Bible says to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." When you do what makes you "happy," you are attempting to take control of a life (yours) that does not belong to you in the first place. How much MORE can God do for you when you give Him control of your life? Hmmm. Think visually.. You controlling what makes you happy (momentarily) vs. God controlling what makes you happy (eternally). Giving God control can be painful at first, but worth every effort, and the rewards are so numerous, they cannot be counted.

Stay in your marriage. Encourage others to stay in theirs. Problems can be fixed. People can be saved. Even if you don't FEEL love, adoration, respect for your spouse... all of those words are in the dictionary as VERBS. Action words. I promise you this... DO THE ACTION, and the FEELINGS WILL FOLLOW. Ask the Lord to love your spouse THROUGH you. God is so much more capable of loving than we are. When HE is in control of our lives, we become vessels of his love for others. Isn't that amazing? Don't believe me? Look it up. Try to prove me wrong. You'll be amazed at what you find!!!