Wednesday, June 4, 2008

He gives us the desires of our heart!

There is a lot of power to the verse "Seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all these things will be added unto you." He gives us the desires of our heart IF we seek Him in all that we do.

In the last eight years, I've worked hard as a mother and a wife... I've burned the candle at both ends. Women do that often, but forget to realize and give themselves credit that when they are serving husbands and children, they are being great examples of Jesus Christ to their families.

Well, there were plenty of times where I may have over-extended myself. Those were the times that I prayed to the Lord for a back massage. I'm serious. I wanted a back massage, and didn't have the money to spoil myself. AND ALL OF THESE PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED!!!

The first time it was answered, I received a free massage at a Christmas party in a raffle drawing. The second time it was answered, a woman I was helping purchased a massage for me as a token of her appreciation (without me mentioning anything to her!). The third time it was answered, a manager at a beauty spa gave me a free massage in exchange for free advertising at my office.

God cares about our feelings. He cares about what we might feel is "excessive," and gives us gifts beyond what we can imagine. You just have to open your eyes and realize where these blessings come from to truly appreciate who our Lord Jesus Christ is!!!