Monday, May 19, 2008

Tennis Shoes

No prayer is too big or too small... or too insignificant. When I was about 20 years old, I was certainly not made of money. I was working full time as a leasing agent at an apartment community. When I was off work, I'd go to the gym... in my ratty, old, ugly tennis shoes. I had worn them since highschool and while they still served their purpose, I wanted new shoes. So I did something that I hadn't done before. I prayed for new shoes.

Some people don't realize that God hears all of our prayers. The big, the small, the desperate, and the "insignificant." But we must realize that nothing is insignificant to God.

The next day, one of my co-workers came into the office from cleaning the pool holding a pair of women's sneakers. They looked brand new, and no one had claimed them as the day passed. I muttered to another coworker, who was also a Christian, "I just prayed for new shoes. I wonder what size they are?" She took the shoes, looked inside, and showed me the un-worn inner tag that indicated they were a size 7.5... just my size! And brand new! Not a hint of wear or tear!

Those shoes were for me. God knew I wanted new shoes and that I didn't have the money to spend. I was blessed beyond measure that day, because I learned that God TRULY CARES about the little things in our life. And these "little things" make it quite evident that God is at work in every aspect of our lives.