Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sergio's Miracle

If you read the post below (Titled "Huge Testimony"), what I'm about to post now will make more sense!

I was quick to share this experience with people close to me... people who would not think I’m crazy. I began to open up to strangers and ask them about their faith. I would cautiously tell my story. Often, I found that the more I shared, the more testimonies were shared with me… testimonies of miracles and prayers answered. It was beautiful. I would ponder on my way to the office how some people could not believe in God? How could they not? I didn’t understand how some people refuse to believe what I know to be absolutely true. What could I do to help open their eyes without pushing them away?
There were times I would bring myself to tears just thinking about family members and other people I loved that didn’t believe, and I felt an urgency like I’d never felt before.
I had another dream after the angel sighting. In my dream, I was standing on the balcony of my house. I looked out into the night sky and saw beams of light pouring down on houses in the neighborhood. But the light was not on every house. I looked up and saw that a light was upon my house, and in the sky, was a vision of a king sitting at a table. I spoke to this king in my dream, and asked him, “Am I going to be sitting at the table with the King?” He nodded yes. I then asked him, “Can Jake come with me?” He nodded yes. I know I spent more time conversing with the King, but I can’t remember what was said. I believe what I saw was a vision of the rapture. And that King was a vision of the King of Kings, who I will be reunited with, face to face, one day.
What hurts my heart is that in my dream, the beams of light were not on every house. This is going to be true when we are “taken the way of the saints.” Not all households are going to go. This breaks my heart. It truly pains me to know that some of my neighbors, no matter how good or friendly, will not join me in Heaven. I don’t want to be in a position where I have to ask myself, “Could I have done anything MORE? Could I have saved them? Could I have planted a seed?” I don’t want to have to ask myself that. That is why God has laid it on my heart to share my testimony.

In January of 2008, I remember sitting at my computer reading the local news. I read a story about a young man, aged 17, who got shot in the head at a party. It hurt my spirit to read this. He was at a party when some other party-goers got rambunctious and drove by, shooting. This young man pushed his girlfriend out of the way, and in doing so, he got shot in the head. The news report stated that he was in critical condition. I’m choosy about the news I read. I do not watch the news at night. It sends my blood pressure through the roof! I do, however, look at the news online and pick and choose what I want to read. I find that hearing the news on a daily basis makes people less sensitive to the events that happen around them. Someone might think, “Oh well, another guy got shot. So, what?” But this story pained me. It tugged at my heartstrings. I prayed for this boy. I did not know who he was, but something touched me.
A few days later, I was at work, and had a cable representative named Melissa visit me at my office. I had not met her before. She came into my office with the intention of telling me about a new program I could offer my clients. Our conversation blossomed, and we began talking about our family. We had a lot in common. She was building close to where I lived. She then shared with me that her nephew had just been shot in the head. I didn’t think I heard her right. I asked her about it, and sure enough, her nephew was the same teenager I had read about in the news. I asked questions. His name was Sergio, and he was in poor condition. The bullet had pierced his skull and the impact was so severe causing his brain to swell so much, that his mother had to make a choice – to let her son die, or to remove a portion of his skull in effort to relieve pressure from his brain so he could live. The brain scan reports were showing poor activity, and his mother was told that he could be a vegetable for the rest of his life. But she decided to try surgery. I can’t imagine a mother who wouldn’t. He was in a coma, and they had no idea when he would wake up – if he would wake up. They didn’t know if he would be the same boy they loved and raised. The family felt utterly hopeless.
I shared with her my experience with the angel. I shared my answered prayers about Aidan. I took down all of her family’s information so I could pray for them. Before she left, I told her, “There is ALWAYS hope in Jesus.” I gave her a big hug before she left. After she was gone, I immediately called people I knew who were Christians so they could start praying for this boy. One man of God that I called told me that Sergio was going to be okay… that his mother made the right choice to have the surgery. What I did next scared the crap out of me.
I was afraid to make this call, but something in me had to do it. I called Melissa and told her, “Sergio’s going to be okay. His mom made the right choice to have surgery.” I could hear Melissa’s heart rejoicing. I could hear hope being restored. After I got off the phone, I got down to business and prayed for God to not make me a liar. I believed in Sergio’s recovery. I believed in his healing. I just prayed and prayed.
A couple of days later, I received a text message from Melissa. It read, “Sergio just opened his eyes and moved his leg!!!” Thank God. I called my prayer partners to share the good news. One responded, “Did you believe anything less?” Did I believe in anything less? All I know is that I hoped and I prayed. And I did believe. I believe we have a God of all possibilities. We have a God who answers the prayers of his children. I believe his Word when it says, We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28.
The next day I received another text from Melissa stating, “Sergio is now squeezing his mom’s hand when she tells him to and responding to her voice by opening his eyes!” What fantastic news! I rejoiced and prayed for continuous recovery.
Weeks later, Melissa stopped by my office and informed me that Sergio was moved to a rehabilitation hospital, that he could remember long-term and short-term events, he could laugh and relate happily with others. Sergio is a miracle. I still believe in his full recovery and can’t wait to meet him.
It is such a privilege to see God at work in people close to me. And what I really love to testify is that the miracles and answered prayers do not stop there…