Friday, May 23, 2008

God is Bigger than Infertility

I had my first son in October of 2003. In 2006, we were ready for another baby. It wasn’t difficult to get pregnant. I was very excited. When I went for my first doctor appointment, I learned that my precious baby was not in my womb, but was growing outside the womb and would not be a viable pregnancy. It was heart-wrenching to see this image of a baby that would never be. There is no way to save them. Ectopic pregnancies are not only devastating, but fatal if not detected early. Under careful watch, it got to the point where we decided chemotherapy was the best route to preserve my life and my fertility. I was crushed at losing this baby, but determined to still have more children. A couple of months later, I was back to my healthy self and ready to try again. I got pregnant again… but to my dismay, found that the baby - for the second time - was not in the womb. This time, the doctor treated the ectopic pregnancy with surgery and my chances of conceiving another child were reduced by 50%.

I didn’t understand why this was happening to me. I was under spiritual attack, and didn’t know what to do. A friend had recommended a book by Derek Prince, titled Blessings and Curses. After making sure this was truly Bible-based, I read about how curses on people lives could affect the ability to have children. It sounds like a creepy movie, but believe it or not, it’s the truth... It happened in the Bible and it still happens today. I wasn’t about to let the devil take charge of my life. I confessed, and prayed for forgiveness of my sins. I declared the Lord Jesus as the Lord of my life. I praised his name, and revoked any curse over my life. I did this out-loud in my bedroom, and believed that the Lord was going to work a miracle in my life.

I conceived Noah just a few months after that. I have been so blessed by his beautiful life… Noah is an answered prayer and every time I look at his chubby little face, I am reminded that God still answers prayers and performs miracles every day. The Lord is so faithful to us.