Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friend Healed of Diverticulitis

I have a friend named Grayce, who had been diagnosed with diverticulitis. I didn't know much about this disease until she informed me about its nature and complications. Long description short, it is a digestive disease found in the large intestine that can be the source of cramping and pain, among other nasty side effects. It's an ugly disease. She asked for prayer, and in doing so, put into action Matthew 18:19-20. God promises to answer our prayers and that He is among us when two or more are gathered in His name. We believed in the Lord to give Grayce a new intestine, and for the disease to go away in the name of Jesus.

Grayce was scheduled for a follow-up colonoscopy on a Tuesday morning. She nervously awaited for the results. The doctor met with her and informed her that there was no sign of infection or inflammation in her intestine! Her tissues were completely normal and healthy. Grayce was astonished and reported the results, and we give full glory to God, through His Son, Jesus! Thank you for being our healer!!!