Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Can Sing!!!

About a year ago, I had some sort of chronic vocal chord inflammation and irritation. I didn't know what was wrong with my throat... I couldn't sing anymore. I normally had a wide range and loved to sing in church, but my voice for about six months would only come out as a whisper when I sang.

I made an appointment with an ENT doctor, fully expecting to need a minor throat surgery.

Two days before my doctor's appointment, I had met some local church leaders over lunch. We discussed the goodness of God and our vision for the community. We shared mighty testimonies and the Lord began to move at that lunch meeting. Our meeting was coming to an end, and I mentioned the need for prayer for my throat. The pastor did a simple prayer over me, but nothing happened at that moment.

The next morning, as I was getting ready for work, I proceeded to swallow a large prescription pill. The pill happened to get lodged in my throat and I began to choke! I had to force my body forward and dis-lodge the pill. It was an ugly feeling (and a little embarrasing!). It hurt, too.

I got into my vehicle and blasted my praise music as normal... but something different happened that morning... when I opened my mouth to sing, I had a voice! It was back! And the only thing I can imagine is that the Lord caused the pill to get lodged in the right place to remove whatever callous was on my vocal cords. HE performed my throat surgery. Praise the Lord!

Friend Healed of Diverticulitis

I have a friend named Grayce, who had been diagnosed with diverticulitis. I didn't know much about this disease until she informed me about its nature and complications. Long description short, it is a digestive disease found in the large intestine that can be the source of cramping and pain, among other nasty side effects. It's an ugly disease. She asked for prayer, and in doing so, put into action Matthew 18:19-20. God promises to answer our prayers and that He is among us when two or more are gathered in His name. We believed in the Lord to give Grayce a new intestine, and for the disease to go away in the name of Jesus.

Grayce was scheduled for a follow-up colonoscopy on a Tuesday morning. She nervously awaited for the results. The doctor met with her and informed her that there was no sign of infection or inflammation in her intestine! Her tissues were completely normal and healthy. Grayce was astonished and reported the results, and we give full glory to God, through His Son, Jesus! Thank you for being our healer!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

An "I Love You" Reminder from God

Many of you remember the Kite Miracle event that happened at the end of August. Well, 6 months later... we found the kite string! On Valentine's day! This isn't just a random coincidence! Late August, we watched our kite fly - string and all -miles and miles away (to the south of us) until it was just a speck in the sky... the Lord brought it back that night as witnessed by three people. We never retrieved it... as that would have meant climbing on the roof at 10pm. Over the past months I've always wondered and hoped with expectation to find the kite. Well, this afternoon while looking for lost softballs, I looked up to find the kite string wrapped around some powerlines at the end of our property line (to the north of us). He is just amazing. And He gives us solid proof of our testimonies. I am so in love with our Lord and Savior. Are you?