Sunday, July 20, 2008

For The Married Folks

I've seen two marriages saved in the last couple of months... saved by the Blood of the Lamb. Do you realize that Jesus gave us the power he has? Read John 14:12... it says...

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS? We have the power... IF WE BELIEVE ON JESUS... to do the works of Jesus, and greater works at that. We can save marriages. We can heal. We can cast out demons. All in the name of Jesus.

I think it's a great, great tragedy when two married believers are torn apart. Marriages can be prayed back together every day. Our God is a God of reconciliation. Nothing is impossible.

On that note... I want all of you to become aware that the WORST advise you can EVER give someone is, "Do what makes you happy." Absolutely not. The Bible says to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." When you do what makes you "happy," you are attempting to take control of a life (yours) that does not belong to you in the first place. How much MORE can God do for you when you give Him control of your life? Hmmm. Think visually.. You controlling what makes you happy (momentarily) vs. God controlling what makes you happy (eternally). Giving God control can be painful at first, but worth every effort, and the rewards are so numerous, they cannot be counted.

Stay in your marriage. Encourage others to stay in theirs. Problems can be fixed. People can be saved. Even if you don't FEEL love, adoration, respect for your spouse... all of those words are in the dictionary as VERBS. Action words. I promise you this... DO THE ACTION, and the FEELINGS WILL FOLLOW. Ask the Lord to love your spouse THROUGH you. God is so much more capable of loving than we are. When HE is in control of our lives, we become vessels of his love for others. Isn't that amazing? Don't believe me? Look it up. Try to prove me wrong. You'll be amazed at what you find!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Great Mechanic

I just had an incredible miracle happen... It just cannot be explained away by anything other than the mighty hand of God.

The best way for me to illustrate this is by posting emails from a recent prayer request I had... My emails are in BOLD. Sue's emails are in Italics.

Here it goes...

Dear Sue,
Hope you are doing well!

This might sound a little strange, but I was wondering if you can pray for my van?

I was in an accident on April 30th... rear-ended by a guy going 60 mph - his foot got stuck to the gas pedal. Anyway, the bodywork just got completed, and I picked up my van today. But it is sucking up gas like a 4-year-old eating ice cream. I usually get about 22 miles per gallon, and as of driving it today, it's giving me around 10. I couldn't smell a gas leak...I've called the dealership and they are going to "get back to me." Will you agree with me in prayer that God will heal my van. It causes my blood pressure to sky rocket with each mile I drive! I have a 40-mile commute to work - 80 miles round trip - so you can imagine my agony!

Thanks for all you do!!

~ Autumn

Precious Autumn, I do believe God can heal your van and my prayer is this, as I don't want to assume on this one the WAY in which He'll make it good again...

Father---please see to it that Autumn's van once again gets the good milage it once did; in fact, Father, we ask for better than it once did since the cost of gasoline is so high. We ask, Lord, that if she is to take it back to the dealership that the dealership do the right thing and that You give them Your wisdom to find out what is wrong. But, Lord, we know you don't need any human to fix this. We ask You, mighty and all power Father, to take care of this according to Your wisdom and all wise plans. We know You can take care of this problem, and we humbly ask You to show Yourself strong to do it that You might receive GREAT glory and that Autumn might testify to this great miracle. Lord, I remember when You took a dent out of my car and painted it Yourself by a great miracle. If this is indeed something You want for a great and glorious testimony, we come into agreement together and boldy ask for it now and thank You for it. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah and praise Your wonderful, matchless, powerful name, and we take authority over any and all demon foes that would try to hinder Your mighty work on this earth in this situation; we plead the blood of Jesus around this situation as a boundary no demon can penetrate and we plead in by faith in the authority of the strong name of Jesus---according to Luke 10:19. We love You, Father. You are truly a wonderful and awesome God and our wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Father. Faithful and true are YOU, and we love and adore YOU not for what You do for us---which is countless and matchless---but for WHO YOU ARE! Have a wonderful day walking with our Saviour, my precious little sister in the Lord. It is always my pleasure and blessing to agree with you in prayer.....Lovingly, Your sister-in Christ, Sue
PS--I love the way you love and trust the Lord, Autumn. He'll never disappoint you.

Okay, well let me tell you what happened.

I anointed my van with oil yesterday and prayed over it. I was nearly having a panic attack over this gas situation. I got home, and my husband left for the evening to see his brother (it was his brother's birthday). So after I got the boys to bed, I turned on TBN and they were doing a re-cap of 2007 with a lot of positive messages. I started to feel a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in my room, and I just began weeping - happy weeping - and just telling Jesus how much I love him, etc. I felt tremendous joy - explosive joy. I woke up the next morning (today) got the boys ready and we headed out. I was believing for a miracle, but just in case, I wanted proof of the poor gas mileage I was getting.

I filled up my van. It took 5.26 gallons to fill it up, after going 64 miles. That equals out to 12 miles per gallon. I have a mechanism on my van that tells me for each moment what my miles per gallon are. It also tells me how many miles I have to go before I need to fill up again. The miles I had to go was at 348. I drove 35 miles to work. I looked at how far the miles went down.. typically, it would be accurate to assume that 348-35 miles would be 313 miles left before I would have to fill up again. This would assume my normal 20-ish miles per gallon. Are you following me? Well, this is the miracle... my miles-to-go was reading at 330. This means I went 35 miles and only registered going 18 for my gas mileage. I'm no math wizard, but if my calculations are correct, I got 39 miles per gallon on my way into work this morning!!! This is an absolute miracle of God, and these numbers cannot be denied! Praise the Lord!!!

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GOD! He is really pulling out all the stops to give you some mighty miracles because He knows that you'll be sharing them with unbelievers, Autumn. I absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sensed the anointing and felt my faith rise after I started asking Him for your miracle today without knowing He had already done it, so I'm not surprised, but ecstatically grateful. Thanks again for sharing. Isn't it just like the Lord to give you more milage than you were getting----gotta luv it!!! Here's loving you and loving our chats--------Sue