Monday, August 13, 2012

Nudged Into A New Job

In November 2011, I was not as thrilled with my job as normal. At the time I was not realizing that the Lord was positioning my heart for a possible move.

Shortly after Thanksgiving, I had been dreaming about my childhood home, and in my dream, all the doors to the house were open. I walked to my childhood room, and a door that I did not know existed was open. It was obvious that this was the type of door that only someone with proper authority could open. When I awoke from that dream, at first I was frightened that the house was not secure, but then I began thinking that this could be about OPPORTUNITY.

The atmosphere at work began to get oppressive. I still wasn't putting two and two together. But I could feel SOMETHING changing.

Into the beginning of December, I was taking out the trash, and was stopped in my tracks with the thought, "I wonder if anyone in this business retires?" Of course, I'm talking about the apartment business. And I pondered on that for a while. I didn't know anyone who had retired from the apartment industry...

The next day, a Monday, I was sitting at my desk, and got an incredible urgency to RENT A VIOLIN. Yes, very random. But very urgent. This urge was so incredible it was taking me out of my seat. Like the Lord was telling me GO NOW!

So I looked up violin rental places and found one off of Blanco and 410. I called and got prices, and after work, I found myself at Terra Nova Violins, renting a violin. After the transaction was made, I found myself in the parking lot staring at a light-colored 11-story highrise. I was captivated by that building and wondered who the owners were? I somehow knew that it was a residential community, but beyond that knew nothing else. Then I got in my car and went home.


A friend called me and asked me how work was going. I told her fine, and asked why? It was strange that she was asking me that question, I could tell it was loaded. She hesitated to say, based on my answer, but proceeded to tell me that there was an opportunity that I might be interested in. She said that a manager was retiring from her position, and the owners of this highrise off Blanco and 410 were looking for a new manager.

I asked her, "Excuse me? What is the name of this highrise?" This couldn't be the same one I was staring at yesterday, could it? COULD IT??? Could the Lord have led me there with that urgency to show me where I needed to go??? Was this why the violin urgency was taking me out of my seat?

She told me that the property's name was Wedgwood. I looked it up and sure enough, it was the same property I was staring at, pondering about, the day before!

I told her of my experience and she said she believed the Lord had his hand in it!

The Lord has his hand in EVERYTHING.

I knew that I knew that I knew that the job was mine. And it took a couple more months, and I found myself managing that community. I am so humbled to be where the Lord placed me... and to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was obedience that put me there.

Following the Lord can be such an amazing journey. What's in store??? I bet it's better than you could have ever imagined!