Sunday, February 14, 2010

An "I Love You" Reminder from God

Many of you remember the Kite Miracle event that happened at the end of August. Well, 6 months later... we found the kite string! On Valentine's day! This isn't just a random coincidence! Late August, we watched our kite fly - string and all -miles and miles away (to the south of us) until it was just a speck in the sky... the Lord brought it back that night as witnessed by three people. We never retrieved it... as that would have meant climbing on the roof at 10pm. Over the past months I've always wondered and hoped with expectation to find the kite. Well, this afternoon while looking for lost softballs, I looked up to find the kite string wrapped around some powerlines at the end of our property line (to the north of us). He is just amazing. And He gives us solid proof of our testimonies. I am so in love with our Lord and Savior. Are you?