Saturday, May 23, 2009

Heart Surgery by the Hand of God

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been meaning to share this one for some time.

I got a call in September that my sister Jerri Lynne was going to be having heart surgery. They had found blockage in one of her arteries and were going to install a stint to open up the artery and keep the blood pumping through her heart.

Usually when I pray and have heard people pray for surgeries, they pray for God's guidance over the surgeon's hand, etc. I was not led to pray for the surgeon. Instead, I was lead to pray for the blockage to dissipate and be gone in the name of Jesus. I prayed until I felt a release of this urgency. I woke the next morning, and on my way to work, Jerri's daughter, Michelle, called me. I answered her call and she said, "You would not believe what happened in surgery." I could hear the excitement in her voice. I asked eagerly for her to tell me. She said, "The doctors began to operate, and found that the blockage was COMPLETELY GONE!" Praise the Lord! They stopped the surgery early and did not have to install a stint!

Friends, I cannot stress enough that the Lord is there to hear our prayers. He is our Father and we are His children. He loves us tremendously and will perform mighty miracles for you, if you believe. It's so incredibly simple, that most people find it impossible. If you are seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ or need prayer please contact me at These miracles are not just for people here and there... they are for EVERYONE, and miracles and answers to prayers are just waiting to be released from Heaven.